Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Do you see as God sees?

Wow I have been slacking... It's been my turn to blog for a while now and I just have not done. Sorry.

I have entitled this post "Do you see as God sees?" cause that has basically been the theme of my life lessons lately. And it is a question that I believe we find ourselves too busy to ask.
Which raises another question? What does Christianity really mean? If it is not about seeing the people/the world around us through the eyes of God, then what is it about?

I am not going to put much down because I want the Holy Spirit to talk to you for Himself. Then I would like to see comments to this post with some answers to the questions above. May the Lord Jesus Christ and His Father receive all the glory as we all meditate on these thought-provoking questions.

Love ya all,
Paul-Michael James