Do you remember the person you were before the Almight Father redeemed you from destruction? I remember who I was. I remember the lack of peace and joy I had. I remember the feeling of emptiness. I also remember that I was bound for hell. But not now... I am a son of the living God!
Romans 5:6-8
If Hitler or the terrorists of 9/11 or a serial killer, were placed on trial today, a good judge would surely give them the death penalty... Right? How many of us would stand up in that court and say to that good judge, "I'll take Hitler's place. Yes, sir, I do realize that this is the man that didn't just kill millions of people, but that tortured them to death. However, I still want to die in his place so that he may live." ??? That's what Christ did for me and you. We were Hilters in the sight of the Holy God of heaven. We were spiritually the same as those terrorists of 9/11. However, our death penalty was far worst than any physical death. Our penalty was hell (eternal seperation from God's love and eternal presence in His wrath)! Jesus, God's only Son, stood before His Father, the Good Judge, and said, "I will take the pentalty of Your wrath, O Father, for Paul-Michael. I will take (insert your own name here)'s place." What love! I don't know what that thought does to you, but it humbles me. I was the one that sinned. I was the one in outright rebellion against God and His commandments. I was one that was truly worthy of hell. But, Jesus, Who was innocent, sinless, and perfect, took my place. He excepted the whole wrath of God upon Himself. We can't even fathom the reality of that because we don't have a clue of how great and "awesome" God's wrath really is. But Christ knew and He decided to take that wrath upon Himself anyways. Because He loves you. Because He loves me.
Praise God for Jesus. Praise God that He saved me.
You know Paul another very humbling facet is that if it had only been me Christ would have suffered and bled and died.
That makes is so personal!
We serve a God that is touched by the feelings of our infirmities, he knows are every weakness and is ever ready to extend His grace to help us along.
What a tremendous blessing that is.
Love you all and miss you
Mrs B
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